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Building the Digital
of VET providers

What is the Discovers project Goal

The goal is to align VET provision with the demands of the digital age and enhance the employability of graduates in the labor market.

Strengthening the capability of Tunisian VET trainers to deliver impactful digital instruction
Creating an eLearning platform as a central resource hub for Tunisian VET institutions
Facilitate knowledge exchange and collaboration between Tunisia and partners for digital learning innovation
Promoting collaboration and knowledge exchange between Tunisia and partners to drive digital learning innovation

Welcome to the DISCOVER project

The digitalisation of the VET sector is a key priority. In Tunisia, a skills mismatch is evident with young graduates lacking digital skills to respond to the labour markets’ demands. About 35% of companies face the challenge of having uneducated workforce, with half of the jobs requiring adequate digital literacy. Yet, half of the VET trainers do not exploit ICT for teaching for innovative methods to cultivate learners’ skills and fulfil their potential. To bridge the gap and ensure a demand-oriented VET provision, the ETF recommendations for Tunisia, in the framework of the Torino process, recommend modernisation through improvement of continuing professional development (CPD) for VET teachers and trainers. As a response, the DISCOVER project aims to build the capacity of Tunisian VET centres to develop and implement a strategy for digital learning through a multistakeholder approach. The project will promote transfer of knowledge and peer learning among partners from Cyprus, Greece and Tunisia.

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Our Partners

University of Nicosia
EUROTRAINING Educational Organization
Chamber of Commerce and Insustry of North-East Bizerte (CCINE)
Agence Tunisienne De Formation Proffesionnelle
CFA Bizerte
CFA Menzel Bourguiba
CSFAG Ariana

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Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them. Project Number: 101128698.

DiscoverProject © 2024. All Rights Reserved.

We are thrilled to announce an enriching online study visit scheduled for October 16-17, 2024! This online event will gather partners from Tunisia, Athens, and Cyprus to explore and learn about digital tools in education. We invite VET trainers, VET centers, universities, and all relevant stakeholders to participate in this valuable opportunity.

Who Should Attend?

  • VET Providers
  • VET  Trainers
  • Stakeholders in Education & Digital Learning

 Explore digital tools, strategies, and best practices to enhance learning.

Click here to register and secure your spot for this insightful event. We look forward to your participation!

Click here to access the online study visit agenda.